Download LightBender onto your phone from the App Store or Google Play to take the game with you! Sync your accounts to save your progress and continue gameplay on your mobile phone! Tentative Recommended System Requirements. Windows: OS: Vista or Newer. Hard Drive: 200 MB. DirectX 10 or 11. Mac: OS: 10.9.2. Micah Tuttle-magician in training-lives and works at Circus Mirandus alongside his guardian, the ancient and powerful Lightbender. The circus is a place filled with dazzling fire shows, stubborn unicorns, and magicians from every corner of the world.
Download LightBender onto your phone from the App Store or Google Play to take the game with you! Sync your accounts to save your progress and continue gameplay on your mobile phone! Tentative Recommended System Requirements. Windows: OS: Vista or Newer. Hard Drive: 200 MB. DirectX 10 or 11. Mac: OS: 10.9.2. I am having a problem downloading the relevant installer/package to get Lightzone onto my new Mac laptop. Can somebody post a link to the precise location of the new version in Github please. I am failing dismally to find it.
Thanks to Luproduction, LightBender Post, Drop-Out Cinema and Pilotkino LLC who make significant regular financial contributions to the DCP-o-matic project.
Thanks to the following subscribers, who each make a regular donation to DCP-o-matic:Mark Allender | Central Cinema | Chris Eller |
Gerard Elmore | Barak Epstein | José Delio Ares García |
Glyndebourne | Sky Hopinka | Film.Ca Inc. |
KC | Lichtspiele Kalk | Zbigniew Kamiński |
Timm Kröger | Carlos Lagido | Owen Morgan |
Austrian Film Museum | João Gabriel Riveres | Irving Shapiro |
Jussi Siponen | Jeremy Spracklen | John B. Thomas |
屹 崔 |
Platinum-level financial support has been received from 7 donors, including:Jean-Pierre Beauviala | Henning Hoffmann-Heyden (Media_2435) | Niclas Nornemark |
FilmiK | | Rodo Works AG |
AeroPolis | Sven Andresen | La Cinémathèque Française |
Festival International du Film de Fribourg | Cine Complete GmbH | Jeff Hemingway |
Thierry Journet | Lilian Lefranc | Andrea Maguolo |
Bruce Taylor | Raoul Walzer | aeCreate |
akaDCP | Gartenbaukino | cinéma Espace Prévert (France) |
Red Star 3D | Studio Korsholm AB | Yellow Tone AB |
Festival international du cinéma francophone en Acadie | Cinema Albert | Bjørnar Albertsen |
Jan Alvermark | Manuilov Andrey | Mind The Gap Animation |
Images Animées | BFI National Archive | Georges Asmar |
Alex Asp | Eric Audurier | Pietro Baj |
José Val Bal | Hubert Bartholomae | Hansjoerg Beck |
Remi Bergman | Alessandro Bernardi | Mike Blakesley |
Félix Blume | Theodor Boder | Dominik Bollen |
Silvio Bonomi | Cédric Bourquard | Erik Bowen |
Frazer Bradshaw | Phillip Branford | queerfilm festival Bremen |
Marcus Brockmeier | Alexander Buchholz | Sofia Bullones |
Tino Burmeister | Richard Buswell | Endcredits Film Club Cairns |
Paul Carey | Kevin Carney | Kieran Carroll |
Central | Arnold Chase | Dr.-Ing. Reiner Chemnitius |
Frank Cianciolo | Opificio Ciclope | Row House Cinema |
Ellon Cinema | Flat Rock Cinema | Flathead Lake International Cinemafest |
Zach & Zach Cinérgie | Robin Cloud | Dan Cohen |
Jonathan Cole | Blair Collie | Adam Colt |
Marketplace Media Company | Conta'm | Adam Cousins |
Phillip Crawford | Rodrigo Hernández Cruz | Criolla DCP |
Nicolas Damianakis | Swati Dandekar | Justin Dean |
Susanne Deickert | Alexey Derevyanko | Michael Derrossett |
Mark Desmet | Aut-o-Rama Drive-In | Roger Dubief |
Alain Omer Duranceau | Arthur Edwards | Thore Engebretsen |
Mark Engebretson | Greenpine Entertainment | Leo Enticknap |
Peter Ericson | Maxime Estoppey | Arthur Factor |
Darius Family | Jose Angel Velasco Fernandez | Royal Starr Arts Institute / Royal Starr Film Festival |
Port Townsend Film Festival | Toronto Black Film Festival | Marc Fiebig |
Hamann Film | Traverse City Film Festival | Z-fest Film Project |
Casablanca Filmkunsttheater | Grasshopper Films | Strohberry Films |
Scone Films | Yellow House Films | Artio Films |
BananaMama Films | Tiempos Dificiles Films | Broadway Filmtheater |
Dave Fleegel | Stéphane Friedli | Brett Friedman |
Geir Friestad | André Fritschi | Gerhard Funk |
Stephen Furley | Kirk Futrell | Jordi Miró Garcia |
Bethwyn Garswood | Silvio Giuliano | ProCinema GmbH |
Gerd Gockell | Alan Gouger | Christopher Gray |
Vincent Grenier | Alpha Multimedia Group | Gerhard Gruber |
Nicolas Guilbaud | Steve Guttag | Mariken Halle |
Harold Hallikainen | Peter Halter | Filmschuur Harlem |
Robert Harrison | Mark Hartsuyker | Antonio Ruiz Hernandez |
Javier Hernandez | Michael Higgins | Hubertus Hinse |
RHI Media Robert Hoelzel | Robert Hofer | Johannes Hoffmann |
Joseph Huether | Dustin Hughes | Markus Hüsgen |
Paramount Twin Inc | Mya Studios Inc. | Indyvideo |
Inskino | Bryn Mawr Film Institute | IntergalacticFM |
20minmax International Short Film Festival | Theodore Ivanov | Denis Ivashvkevych |
Karl Jacob | Andy Jans-Brown | Rainer Joerger |
Mario Kalogjera | Deborah Kampmeier | Klaus Karger |
Toni Karsch | James Kerwin | Ben King |
Alabama Kino | Moviemento Kino | Pupille Kino |
Böblinger Kinos | James Kirst | David Klooker |
Peter Knight | Max Knoth | Erik Knudsen |
Roald Koger | Frank Koppelmans | Filip Kovcin |
Joel Krantz | Sebastian Kreis | Tobias Kremer |
Indu Krishnan | Kino Krokodil | Patrick Kulemann |
Polona Kuzman | Nyein Chan Kyaw | Power Of Pearl Movie LLC |
Movie Geek Enterprises LLC | Kino Laboratorium | David Landolf |
Philip Lawrence | Cinéma Le Louxor | Brendan Leaden |
Stuart Leask | Youen Leclerc | Robert Legato |
Cedric Lejeune | Eric Lesachet | Peter Liacopoulos |
Miller Creative Limited | Pär Lindblom | Thomas Lorin |
First And Only Ltd | The Digital Picture House Ltd | Gabriel Montagné Láscaris-Comneno |
Garry Maddison | Peter Maddock | Peter Magnusson |
Cineworld Erlebniskino — Mainfrankenpark | Richard Malmberg | Paolo Mancini |
Mandorla | Gerard Manshanden | MantaRay.Media |
Riccardo Mantani | Maxim Mantel | Stoyan Marinov |
Kelly Marshall | Charles Maynes | George Mazarakis |
Mike Mazur | Primo Mazzoni | Andrew McKee |
Gordon McLeod | Rapid Stream Media | P. Meijer |
Gregory Melick | Thomas Meling | Sara Mena |
Olaf Merker | Aldo Midali | Sylvain Mielle |
Kristijan Milic | Mobiles Kino e.V. | Jill Mobley |
Michal Moc | Mario Molinari | Howard Molton |
Christopher Mondt | Lindsay Morris | Julie Murray |
Lorenz Müller | Alexander Müller | Paul Müller-Hahl |
Francis Nebot | David Nedrow | Jary Nemo |
Daniel Nestler | NT Next | Robert Nichol |
Thomas Nicol | Jesper Svarre Nielsen | Robert Niessner |
Andreas Nitsch | Scott Norwood | Pascal Nussbaum |
Tim O'Brien | Terrance Odette | Jin Okubo |
Ralph Olbrich | Tito Oliveira | Anders Olsson |
Kevin Orman | Antons Video Productions P/L | Harald Pape |
Anand Patwardhan | Konstantinos Pavlidis | Rui Pereira |
Armin Peterhans | Greg Pine | David Pires |
Francesco Pitscheider | Maximilian Plettau | Denis Postle |
Postware | Drago Prahin | Zakatak Music Productions |
Ceridwen Productions | Second Wind Productions | Ivan Pullman |
Sigurður Sverrir Pálsson | John Quackenbush | Arts Quest |
Christian Quis | Festival De Cinéma De La Ville De Québec | Andreas Radtke |
Thomas Rahnert | Desiderio Garcia Ramirez | Mike Ramsauer |
Simone Rapisarda | Sebastian Reategui | Steve Reverand |
Jamie Rokovetsky | Mark Rolfe | Sascha Roll |
Leigh Rosin | David Rozenthal | Lasse Salling |
Community TV Salzburg | Keith Sanborn | Samuel Sanchez |
Richard Schardein | Evan Schiff | Florian Schneeweiss |
Erik Schuit | Daniel Schär | Michael Sellers |
Christopher Seo | Arrow Media Services | Jas Shennan |
Atli Sigurjonsson | Peter Six | Gregg Smith |
John Snow | Günter Sobeck | The CWRU Film Society |
Oliver Sohnius | Adam Sondej | Vojtech Spevak |
Peter Sprenger | Walter Stadlbauer | Randy Stankey |
Chris Stevens | Tomislav Stojanović | The Playroom Recording Studio |
Michael Suesterhenn | Christian Suhren | Frans Suijs |
Jürgen Swoboda | TVNiezaleznaPolonia | Uwe Taggruber |
OpsCenter Technologies, Inc. | Lark Theater | Port Elmsley Drive-In Theater |
The Tryon Theatre | Texas Theatre | Rodeo Drive-In Theatre | | Jean Timmerman | Lawrence Towers |
Marco Friedrich Trenkwalder | Emiliano Paez Trujillo | Jonny Tull |
Stephen Tyler | Anthony Urgo | Alberto Valtellina |
Simon Vannarath | Ulrich Von Varnbüler | Aćim Vasić |
Jos Vecht | Alexandre De Villeneuve | Basil Vogt |
Harry Vornanen | Lorenz Vögel | Kino Völkerfreundschaft |
Andrew Walls | Christoph Walther | Paul Howard, WeMakeFilms |
Wolfram Weber | Philipp Weber | Matthew Wechsler |
Andreas Weiss | Anja Wenz | Johannes Wilbrand |
Mike Wilde | Roland Wirtz | Sean Wirz |
Mikael Wiström | Nicolai Wolf | Andrew Wuelfing |
Joseph Yuchasz | Ombre Elettriche Di Sirio Zabberoni | Ernst Zimmerman |
Matthieu Zingle | Cinéma de la Neuveville | | | Fosnavåg konserthus | kult.kino |
Wolfgang Schott — mumbo jumbo media | microfilm | CUT productions |
AV Preservation by | Frans van den Berg | Дмитрий Покровский |
Cinebox |
Transkom | MakeShiftMovies | 刘汉源 |
The Colonial Theatre | Marta Renzi (And Dancers Inc.) | Louise Abbott |
le Grand Action | Éva Adorján | Kambiz Afshar |
Afterparty | Lee Akin | Louis Albini |
Alonso Aliaguilla | Odile Allard | Daniel Allen |
Stavit Allweis | A Nos Amours | El Perro Andaluz |
Paulo Andrade | Stéphane Anizon | Anton Antokhin |
Paul Apel | Zachary Aquino | Misha Aranyshev |
Esteban Arrangoiz | Cristian Arias Arévalo | Andrea Ashton |
AL Van Asperen | Cine Trianon Athens | Dylan Avery |
Christian Bachmayer | John Bacon | Lee Bailes |
Grant Baldwin | Ely Bams | Laurent Baraton |
Kenneth Beals | Louis Belloisy | Potong Bhramayana |
Nicolas Bilder | Travis Bird | Gregory Bishop |
Kenneth Biswabic | Cyrille Blanc | Thorsten Boehnke |
Pierre-Alexis Bontemps | Jeff Boot | Brett Bossard |
Fabio Bozzoli | Thomas Bray | Martin Brenneis |
Thomas Briele | Eddy Briere | William Bright |
Malia Bruker | Edgar Bueltemeyer | Tim Butenschön |
Jonathan Bygraves | Kinokriminalitat C.I.C. | Jorge Caballero |
Gemma Rodriguez Cabello | Arnaud Callens | Laurent Callonnec |
Marco Valerio Caminiti | Edward Campos | Luis Canau |
Nathan Carpenter | Michelle Carpenter | Fabrizio Carraro |
Matt Carter | Adriano Castaldini | Juanjo Castro |
Cercle Culturel Catalan | Leon Chambers | Brendon Chan |
Jean Luc Chevé | David Chien | Abundant Health Chiropractic |
Georgy Cholakov | Canyon Cinema | Cinematic |
Cinestudio | Sally J. Cloninger | Devon Collins |
XD Colorgrading | Xavier Cortes | Jill Cox |
Stefano Cravero | Caribbean Creativity | Ailis Cross-Gorman |
Salento Cinema Associazione Culturale | Agostino Dall'Olio | Matthias Damm |
Ugo Danesi | JP Davidson | Levi Davis |
Yohann Dedy | Jan Martien Dekker | Melanie Delaney |
Miguel Barreda Delgado | Greg Delmage | Larin Denis |
Michael Denner | Olivier Dermine | Nulight Designs |
Damien Detcheberry | James Devlin | James-Alexander Dewhirst-Prineas |
Thomas Dickens | Callen Diederichs | Ageless Digitworks |
Uwe Dittes | Mariusz Dmochowski | Faris Dobrača |
Roland Doerffer | Luca la Donna | Jean Dos |
Sauerbeck Family Drive-In | Jacoba Eleni Duijster | Johannes Duncker |
Peter V D Dungen | Daniel Arasanz Díaz | Flock Edit |
Simon Edwards | Si Edwards | Gaucho Entertainment |
Gregor Errath | Mark Escribano | Mike Espy |
Unwana Essien | Jaime Estrada-Torres | Nicolas Falquet |
Mary Grace Famis | Julien Favier | Hannes Feil |
Rasitha Ferdinando | Tom Fermanian | Antonio Ferreira |
Santiago Ferreira | Vancouver Latin American Film Festival | Razor Reel Flanders Film Festival |
Dean Fick | Pató Film | Hoppe Film |
DIAMETRALE Filmfestival | Lukas Thiele Filmproduktion | Walk On Water Filmproduktion |
Sala46 Films | Caramba Films | Lifetime Heritage Films |
Hevadis Films | Substantial Films | Broadstone Films |
Labyrinth Films | Andres Fink | Kerry Fleming |
Michael Ford | Björn Forseth | Cinéma Fragile |
Christopher Frankland | Stan Freeman | Gerald Friedl |
Monte Fullmer | Juliana Fusco | Stefan Fäs |
Maarten Van Gageldonk | Kim GangSan | Peter Gara |
Francisco Montoro Garcia | Stefano Gariglio | DocCollection GbR |
Reeju George | Sebastian Hernandis Giner | Michele Lo Giudice |
Filmtheaterbetriebe Klein GmbH | Artus Postproduktion GmbH | Urakypost GmbH |
Ralph Goertz | Volker Goetze | Juanjo Aguirreolea Gomez |
Pierre Gordower | Jack Goren | Rudolf Gottsberger |
Curtis Graham | Charles Greenough | Torsten Groh |
Bobby B. Grubic | Sabine Gruffat | Miguel Fernández Guzmán |
Mauro Guzzetti | Patrick Haderer | Paul Halpin |
Hassan Hamza | Jessica Han | Momoyo Harris |
Werner Harter | Ethan Hatton-Warham | Alexander Hay |
Ronald Heaps | Martin Oliveros Heinze | Patrik Gunnar Helin |
Mark Hensley | Ronny Hermansen | Anna Hirschmann |
Vladyslav Hodin | Joseph Howes | Mason Hunsicker |
Robin Hyden | Dayton Movies Inc | Gold Pictures Inc. |
First Nations Film And Video Festival Inc. | Special Event Videos Inc. | Digital Filmz International Inc. |
Forrest Proctor Industries | Inoekino | Julien Ivanowich |
Emilia Izquierdo | Mahboobani Jackie | Alexzandra Jackson |
Tomasz Jagi | Pongsint Jaksmittanont | Melinda James |
Luca Jankovic | Mathew Johns | Paul Jones |
Anthony Jonick | Leif Jonker | Kate Jopson |
Camille Jouhair | Henri-Pierre Juguet | Henrik Jäger |
Florian Jürgens | Samuli Kaipiainen | Karn Karamad |
Ikram Karimov | Cornelis Kater | Abdelrahim Kattab |
Chris Kay | Lars Kelto | Christopher Kennedy |
Return to Mt. Kennedy | Erwan Kerzanet | Adamo Kiangebeni |
Kert Kiima | Jason King | Jill Kirsch |
Marko Kljajić | Klötzchenkino | Kristjan Knigge |
Detlev Konnerth | Jernej Koren | Alan Kraemer |
Ralph-Raimund Krause | Christian Kreil | Cihan Kulaber |
Steven Kurtz | Othmar Kyas | No Blood Of Mine LLC |
Pelidom LLC | Renaissance Entertainment LLC | WWMD Productions LLC |
RCCinemaworks LLC | Divine Sign Productions LLC | 8 Picture House LLC |
Mesh Multimedia LLC | Deep Structure Productions LLC | Spilled Ink Cinema LLC |
Road 28 Productions LLC | 4PM Media LLC | The Gem LLC |
Quiet Heart Film PTY LTD | Gerardo Lamattina | cinetec Landfried GmbH |
Daniel Martinez Lara | Marga Laube | Nicholas Lavigne |
James LeJeune | David Armati Lechner | Sean Leigh |
Felix Leitermann | Chris Lelidis | Tekanov Leonid |
Elmer Leupen | Gavin Lewarne | Paweł Lipiński |
Kwen In London | Kara Long | Juan Marin Lorenzo |
Tim Lorge | Leonard Louder | Auguste & Louise |
Cubic Films Pty Ltd | Sector Zero Ltd | Keen i Media Ltd |
Michael Luce | Chrisna Lungala | Giuseppe Lupoi |
Nicolas Luquet | Marco Löber | Michael MacBroom |
Michael Madigan | Matthew Maine | Marko Makuc |
Piotr Malecki | Adrian Manolescu | Ruben Marques |
Francisco M Ortega Marquez | John Marsh | Sean Martin |
Miriana Marusic | Daniele Massa | Stefan Massopust |
Marco Mastino | Damir Matoz | Emma Matthews |
Peter Mattsson | Laura Mazza | Caleb McCandless |
Neil McGrath | Mario Mele | Alessandro Melita |
Trevor Meusx | Sarah Meyers | Áron Mezei |
Videoart at Midnight | GodZone Ministry | Julian Minkov |
Bobby Moloney | Aleksandar Monar | Ivan Monterosso |
Shawn Montgomery | Oren Moore | Rigoberto Mora |
Lars Moritz | Christopher Morrison | Mia Movie |
Jussi Mäkipelto | Carlos Nader | Miguel Ángel Alfonso Navarro |
Nguyen Le Khoi Nguyen | Carl Nielsen | Morten Nielsen |
Romain Novarina | Sumit Ochaney | Jerome Cohen Olivar |
Didier Oriol | George Orr | Danilo Marichal Osorio |
Norbert Ostendorf | Nina Paley | Fernanda Parente |
Double Farley Creative Partners | Christian Passeri | Sharad Patel |
Panagiotis Patsiaouras | Cine Avenida Pedrajas | Voitek Pendrak |
Gregory Penetrante | Orion Perenyi | Luis Morales Pesado |
Sascha Pesenecker | Dimitri Petrovic | Nat Phong |
MelRish Photos And Films | Paolo Piccioli | Andrea Pieri |
Enrico Pillon | Sanrasak Pinkaew | J. Rogerio Oliveira Pinto |
Rudolf Pirolt | Jean-Michel Pitre | Thida Plitpholkarnpim |
Gianluca Luigi Pontone | Vasiliy Popov | Matic Poropatic |
Mariana Pottier | Aditya Pratama | Jörg-Dieter Prause |
Red Vault Productions | Richard Anderson Productions | Hitman Productions |
A Tractor Productions | Locomotive Productions | Stoneman Productions |
Oley Sassone Productions | Undercrank Productions | Sem Rumo — Projetos Audiovisuais |
Pedro Pão | Mouhammad Rabah | Jen Randall |
Paolo Rapalino | Fabien Remblier | Marcel Rietdorf |
Olivier Rignault | Sasu Riikonen | Ronnie Riskalla |
Jimena Villarroel Rivadeneira | Rafa Rivera | Robbie Robertson |
Fernando Rocha | Jose Rocha | Mariano Ortega Rodríguez |
Horst Rohrstorfer | Rollickin' | Daniel Roman |
Jonatan Salgado Romero | Marian Romulis | Errol Ropero |
Isabel Del Rosal | Antonio Rotunno | Georges Rousseau |
Damon Rubio | Markus Rueth | Albert Sellés Rulló |
Stephen Rutterford | Daniel Rytz | Objectif 13 S.C.S. |
River Events SL | Hakan Sahin | Sebastien Saint-Cricq |
David Santamaria | Nadia Santos | Yvy Production Sarl |
Carlo Sassi | Les Mures Sauvages | Michael Schaffer |
Andreas Schafft | Stefan Schausberger | Scherfware |
Matthew Schultz | Greg Schwartz | Christoph Schwarz |
Francoise Schwarz | Jörg Schwiemann | Digital Media Services |
Jane Shadbolt | Brendan Shoebridge | Konstantin V. Sichart |
Daniele Silvestri | Benjamin Simmons | Shai Skiff |
Alan Slattery | Rebecca Smith | Marcus Smith |
Martin Smith | John Sniadecki | Sofos |
Gautam Sonti | Boston Light and Sound | James Spadoni |
Spherico | Marco Spiaggi | Jeremy F Spracklen |
Zelig Service Srl | Dolph Stapele | Florian Steidel |
Mike Stiebing | The Icelandic Academy of Storytelling | Robert Stracke |
Francois Stuck | Spring Sutter | Sven |
SymmetryFilms | TVCO | Joseph Tan |
Alexandre Tchernookov | Barry Tevis | The Concrete Theatre |
Nicholas Thiele | Jamie Thomas | Britney Tobin |
Goran Todoric | Darcy Touhey | Emiliano Treccani |
Waiheke Community Cinema Trust | Petter Trønsdal | Nicholas Tucker |
Richard Turner | Runlevel Two | Mediakomitee UG |
Bjørn Uhrbrand | Alvaro Urtizberea | Claudio Corrado Valente |
Francesco Valla | Anne-Marie Van Noortwijk | Vladimir Vasiljevic |
Tilman Vatteroth | Unrestricted View | Daniel Ferreira Vigueras |
Ranji Vijayan | Alexey Vinokurov | David Vogt |
Stéphane Wagneur | Dan Walls | Shihyun Wang |
George Wanley | John Warrin | Donald Jordan Wash |
Guido Wehner | Chen Chia Wei | Frank Wenz |
Maik Wieczorek | Edgar Wilkening | Maya Willcocks |
Chi Kong Wong | Andrew Woodward | Jeremy Wooldridge |
Eduardo Arroyuelo Woolrich | Uwe Wrobel | Frank de Wulf |
Sining Xiang | Goat And Yeti | Julia Yezbick |
Diego Pino Zamora | Pavel Zhdanko | Roberto Zin |
Vincent Zorzi | Juan Zubillaga | Camera Zwo |
Frechen-Film e.V. | Mark van Heusden | Gunnar Ásgeir Ásgeirsson |
Peter Östlund | Olov Östlund | Daniel Židek |
Юров Александр | Огрызков Алексей | Покровский Дмитрий |
Мироненко Евгений | Бугаев Евгений | Кокшаров Егор |
Гуляев Михаил | 山崎 巌 |
Lightbender Mac Os X
The following people supported the Indiegogo campaign to raise fundsfor a Mac OS version. Thanks to them!Carsten Kurz | Wolfgang Woehl | Manuel AC |
Theo Lipfert | Olivier Lemaire | Mattias Mattsson |
Andrä Steiner | Jonathan Jensen | Kjarten Michaelsen |
Cinema Clarici | Evan Freeze | Flor Guillaume |
Adam Klotblixt |
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Instructions to activate Speed And Survive Ball, 速度与幸存之球 key free
(1) Launch Steam and log into your Steam account. (2) Click the Games Menu. (3) Choose Activate a Product on Steam. (4) Follow the onscreen instructions to activate Speed And Survive Ball, 速度与幸存之球 key. After successful code verification go to the 'MY GAMES' tab and start downloading.About this game: Speed And Survive Ball, 速度与幸存之球 cd key free
Speed And Survive Ball, 速度与幸存之球 free steam key on SteamGateways. FREE STEAM GAMES. FREE STEAM KEYS. CD Keys Gift. Instant download. Instant delivery 24/7. FREE Codes & Giveaways. Speed And Survive Ball, 速度与幸存之球 free steam keySpeed And Survive Ball, 速度与幸存之球 steam key free
You help a small ball to avoid the game of deadly squares from around. The small ball needs speed to survive. Please help it.
Up, down, left and right, enter, ESC
1. This is a game that takes only a short time for each game.
2. Its a game that tests concentration.
3. This is a small ball running to survive.
4. This is an action game to test and strengthen your emergency response.
5. Its a game with a little bit of strategy.
This is a 2-person small team product. I hope you can like it and put forward suggestions for improvement. If you can add it in the next version.
Lightbender Mac Os Catalina
- OS: windows 7/8/10
- Processor: any type
- Memory: 1 GB RAM
- Graphics: any type
- Storage: 180 MB available space
- Sound Card: you must have one, need not too expensive